Syndicate Your Most
Influential Content
Everywhere, Easily

Syndicate Your Most
Influential Content
Everywhere, Easily

Now your Trustomers’ best reviews from
one site can convince potential buyers
on another.

Today, shoppers trust other
customers’ opinions more
than your ad copy.

So how do you leverage the amazing
reviews and conversations from your
Facebook, Twitter feeds, or other
sources? And, how do you make
sure that influential content
is prominent on whatever ecommerce
site they’re viewing your product?
Havasay lets you easily syndicate content from
your social media streams and across ecommerce
sites that sell your products:

  • Prioritize the most influential
    engagements and interactions so they
    can convert even the casual browser.
  • Tag, reference, and serve up specific
    content based on how influential it is.
  • Leverage a customer’s personal connections,
    interactions, and purchases to improve
    targeting even more.
Your customers write
glowing reviews about
your product, so why
stand in their way?

Your customers write glowing reviews
about your product, so why stand in their way?

Havasay’s powerful content syndication
lets you tag, reference, and control
what content gets top billing across
ecommerce sites, so your most
influential Trustomers and
articles can convince your
prospects that your product is
the best out there.

Havasay’s powerful content syndication lets you tag, reference, and
control what content gets top billing across ecommerce sites, so your
most influential Trustomers and articles can convince your prospects
that your product is the best out there.

Learn more about us

You’ve got so many customer
reviews, but only some of
them move the meter.

You’ve got so many customer reviews, but
only some of them move the meter.

Havasay’s powerful content syndication
lets you tag, reference, and control
what content gets top billing across
ecommerce sites, so your most
influential Trustomers and
articles can convince your
prospects that your product is
the best out there.

Havasay’s powerful content syndication lets you tag, reference, and
control what content gets top billing across ecommerce sites, so your
most influential Trustomers and articles can convince your prospects
that your product is the best out there.

Learn more about us

Features that keep you
ahead of your competitors
Content syndication

Havasay Analytics


There's more where
that came from.

There's more where
that came from.


We’ve built the tools
to help your company
succeed in the Era of
the Trustomer.

We’ve built the tools to
help your company succeed
in the Era of the Trustomer.

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