Monetize Your Social

Monetize Your
Social Engagement

Finally! You can quantify the actual
value of each social interaction.

You spend tons of resources,
time, money, and effort on
your company’s social
engagement strategy. But
are you spending the
right way?

How can you be sure your social
engagement actually contributes
to your bottom line?
Havasay offers the most advanced analytics on
the market today:

  • A variety of easy to understand metrics
    that score the relevance and influence
    of content like your customers’
    reviews and feedback.
  • We’ve even developed an algorithm that
    can quantify the financial value of
    engagements, interactions, and individual
    content items.
  • Our analytics help you quickly identify
    how and where you should spend your energy
    so you can stay focused on improving your
    bottom line and your product.
You don’t have time to
waste on social engagement
that doesn’t lead anywhere.

You don’t have time to waste on social
engagement that doesn’t lead anywhere.

Our analytics give you valuable,
relevant, and real-time data on
how effective specific content is,
including transaction data scored
by relevance, influence, impact,
importance, transaction worthiness,
and more.

Our analytics give you valuable, relevant, and real-time data on how
effective specific content is, including transaction data scored by
relevance, influence, impact, importance, transaction worthiness, and more.

Learn more about us

Your full-time staff is working
on social engagement, so you
need to make sure it pays off.

Your full-time staff is working on social
engagement, so you need to make sure it pays off.

Our analytics give you valuable,
relevant, and real-time data on
how effective specific content is,
including transaction data scored
by relevance, influence, impact,
importance, transaction worthiness,
and more.

Our analytics give you valuable, relevant, and real-time data on how
effective specific content is, including transaction data scored by
relevance, influence, impact, importance, transaction worthiness, and more.

Learn more about us

Features that keep you
ahead of your competitors
Havasay Advanced Analytics


There's more where
that came from.

There's more where
that came from.

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